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Become a Sponsor

The David Crockett High School Tex-Ann Dance Team invites you to be a Tex-Ann sponsor by supporting our Crockett Dance/Drill Team. The objectives of the Tex-Ann Organization are to promote service to our school and community, to encourage scholarship and good conduct, while developing leadership, self-discipline, responsibility, school spirit, and a standard of excellence all through the art of dance.


The Tex-Ann Dance Team was established in 1968. The Tex-Anns work very hard to live up to the traditions and excellence of Crockett High School. We spend countless hours practicing and perfecting our routines and performing them to the best of our abilities. 


Unlike other athletic programs, the Tex-Ann organization must independently fundraise to meet its financial objectives including competition entrance fees, transportation, costuming, choreography and college scholarships. Your donations can really help! For example, $200 will pay for one member’s summer camp or $500 could pay for one bus to a competition.   

Will you join us by committing to be a Tex-Ann sponsor? Your assistance will help make this year the best year ever by raising Crockett Cougar Spirit in the South Austin community. To donate, you can do one of three things, click on one of the "Become a Sponsor" buttons below, go to and search for Crockett Tex-Ann Sponsor Program - 2023/2024, or you can contact the Tex-Ann Director, Amanda Caldwell at 512-414-2532 ext. 71990.

*Once on School Cash Online, you will be asked to 'Register' before you can search for 'Crockett Tex-Ann Sponsor Program'. When on the 'Add Student' page, click 'I don't want to add a student' under the Confirm button to move forward without adding a student.


The Tex-Ann Dance Team is a nonprofit organization and all donations are tax deductible.

Levels of Sponsorship

(term of sponsorship ends at the end of the school year)

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Always Victorious Sponsor


  • Full page Ad in the Tex-Ann Spring Show program

  • 6 tickets to the Tex-Ann Spring Show held in the Spring

  • Your business promoted on our Social Media Accounts every week

  • Tex-Ann sponsor picture and frame

  • *Small group of Tex-Anns available to perform/serve as greeters at open house/grand opening/special events at your business.  *Subject to availability

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Cougar Gold Sponsor


  • ½ page Ad in the Tex-Ann Spring Show program

  • 4 tickets to the Tex-Ann Spring Show held in the Spring

  • Your business promoted on our Social Media Accounts every week

  • Tex-Ann sponsor picture and frame

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Cougar Pride Sponsor


  • ¼ page Ad in the Tex-Ann Spring Show program

  • 3 tickets to the Tex-Ann Spring Show held in the Spring

  • Your business promoted on our Social Media Accounts twice a month

  • Tex-Ann sponsor picture and frame


Cougar Cub Sponsor


  • 2 tickets to the Tex-Ann Spring Show held in the Spring

  • Your business promoted on our Social Media Accounts twice a month

  • Tex-Ann sponsor picture and frame

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Friends of Tex-Anns Sponsor


  • Your business promoted on our Social Media Accounts once a month

  • Tex-Ann sponsor picture and frame

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