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The purpose of the high school dance/drill team program of the Austin Independent School District is to promote full participation in a unified precision dance/drill team, to promote service to our school and community, to encourage scholarship and good conduct, while developing leadership, self-discipline, responsibility, school spirit, and a standard of excellence. Through the development of cooperation, a spirit of competitiveness, sportsmanship, and positive relationships among all competitors, the program shall fulfill its purpose for the benefit of each respective high school. Each student member must meet all the standards as set forth in this constitution.

  • To increase and develop character, scholarship, responsibility, and to maintain high moral standards character.

  • To represent their respective schools at designated athletic events approved competitions and school functions.

  • To encourage and support interest in sports, fine arts, and other activities of our schools.

  • To follow state mandated curriculum and provide exposure to post-secondary opportunities.

  • To develop and maintain a high standard of precision dance to be performed at school functions as approved by the Director and administration.


  • Membership begins the day of selection and ends the last day of the following school year.  This is in effect so long as the member upholds grades, attendance, and discipline policies set forth by Austin Independent School District and the respective school.  All dance/drill team rules apply year round.  This includes all summer activities.

  • A member is expected to fulfill all financial obligations required throughout the entire year of team membership.  Scholarship opportunities based on need may be available.

  • Members are school representatives and should act accordingly; meeting all requirements of the AISD Code of Conduct, district constitution and individual school handbooks.

  • Members are required to attend all summer camps, practices, games, pep rallies, competitions, class periods, and additional activities arranged by the Director.  Failure to do so may result in denial of performances or privileges, or permanent removal from the dance/drill team.

Responsibilities of Administrators

  • Review extracurricular contracts, constitutions, handbooks, and/or guidelines on an annual basis.

  • Provide training for campus personnel on the Board-approved Discipline Management Plan and Student Code of Conduct upon which all disciplinary decisions will be based.

  • Ensure fair and consistent enforcement of the higher standards of student conduct outlined for students in extracurricular activities.

  • Establish a cooperative relationship between parents, students, and school personnel involved with dance/drill team organizations.

  • Serve as an appropriate role model for students in accordance with the standards of the teaching profession.

  • Make certain that the Student Code of Conduct for dance/drill teams contains rules and consequences that are clear to the reader.

Responsibilities of Directors

  • Establish clear written guidelines and rules.

  • Provide students with written expectations and potential consequences for violation of the organization’s/District’s rules and/or regulations.

  • Ensure fair and consistent enforcement of rules and regulations.

  • Prepare and distribute a schedule of practices and events to students and their parents at the beginning of each semester.

  • Give advanced notice of schedule changes to allow students and parents sufficient time to make necessary arrangements.

  • Serve as an appropriate role model for students, in accordance with the standards of the teaching profession.

  • Establish a cooperative relationship between parents, students, and school personnel by writing and implementing extracurricular contracts, guidelines, etc.

Responsibilities of Student Members

  • Sign and adhere to all rules and regulations outlined in the AISD Dance/Drill Team Constitution, Student Code of Conduct and Campus Dance/Drill Team Handbook.

  • Sign and adhere to appropriate extracurricular contracts, rules, regulations, and established higher standards of behavior.

  • Cooperate with the Director and administration regarding investigations involving disciplinary infractions.

  • Exhibit an attitude of respect toward individuals and property by conducting oneself in a responsible manner.

  • Exhibit proper and appropriate wear of dance/drill team uniform and/or practice apparel to represent the dance/drill team image in the most positive view.

  • Serve as an appropriate role model for other students.

  • Maintain required standards of academic performance.

  • Arrive prepared and on time for all practices and performances.

Responsibilities of Parents

  • Stay informed of the rules, regulations, and procedures that are applicable to the extracurricular organization.

  • Provide transportation, as needed, to ensure that the student arrives on time for practices and performances.

  • Pick up students on time after practice and events.

  • Attend parent meetings, as appropriate.

  • Cooperate with school administrators and organization Director in establishing and maintaining a quality organization.

  • Encourage student adherence to established rules, regulations, procedures, etc.

  • Parent/guardian is responsible for meeting all financial responsibilities associated with required dance/drill team activities – Deadlines designated by campus Director.

Cost to Families: Financial responsibilities should be directed to the campus Director. Please note: it is the responsibility of the families to meet/satisfy all financial requirements associated with dance/drill team activities/membership. Scholarship opportunities based on need may be available.



  • Dependent on the needs of the campus, varsity dance/drill Team candidates must be entering grades 10-12 or 9-12.

  • Dependent on the needs of the campus, there may or may not be a junior varsity dance team.

  • Prior to auditions, candidates must achieve an overall grade average of 2.0.

Team Audition Process

  • The respective school Director will determine tryout date/(s).

  • A copy of the AISD Dance/Drill Team Constitution, campus handbook and a general information sheet must be read and signed by all candidates and parent/(s) or legal guardian and returned to Director by the stated deadline.

  • Application and/or permission slip shall be completed and signed by the applicant and the parent/s(s) or legal guardian and returned to the Director by the stated deadline. They will abide by all the rules and regulations governing members and be willing to meet all financial obligations.  If a student is not able to meet the financial obligations, the student needs to consult with the Director.  Scholarship opportunities based on need may be available.

  • Auditions will be closed to the public. The manner of selection for the team members shall be as follows:

    • The applicant will have audition routine/(s) ready to present to the judging panel.

    • The applicant will wear a number for judging purposes in order to insure impartiality.

    • The applicant will be ready to show the auditions dance routine/(s) to the judges as many times as necessary in order to select the most qualified candidates.


  • Members must audition each year for a place on the dance/drill team and to be placed into the regularly scheduled dance/drill team class. Previous membership does not mean automatic membership each year.

  • Dependent on the school and their specific programs and at the discretion of the Director, a student transferring from another school to or within AISD who has been in good standing with the former team as a member may have the opportunity to audition at the time of the transfer. Transfer students who have not previously been a member of a dance team must wait until regularly scheduled team member auditions.


  • Upon making the team, the student will be required to have a current physical on file with the respective school’s trainer/Director.

  • Membership to an AISD dance/drill team does not supersede auditions for performance.  All members must audition for all performances.  Auditions are permitted at the Director’s discretion and the Director may pull a dancer if their skill ability weakens the performance or to fill vacancies due to injuries or absences.

  • In an effort to ease the individual financial burden, the dance/drill team member may choose to participate in opportunities to fund raise throughout the year. Teams may require a yearly membership fee. (Fair Share)

Grade Requirements


  • Senate Bill 1517 defines and restricts the high school courses that may be considered for waiver from passing grade requirements for students to be eligible to participate in extra-curricular activities.

    • The AISD courses that may be considered for a waiver include all AP, Pre-AP, honors, and dual credit courses in the subjects of English Language Arts, Mathematics, Science, Economics, and Languages other than English. (Principals will consider exception/waiver requests for students failing an honors (H) course, AP, Pre-AP class with a grade mark of 60-69). Requests for exemption/waiver for grade marks below 60 will not be accepted and the student will be ineligible for the grading period.​

  • A member who receives a grade below 70 in any non-waivered class will be placed on grade probation deeming them ineligible for three weeks.  At the close of the three week grading period, the student must be passing ALL classes.  If all grades are not passing at that time, the student will be placed on grade probation for the remainder of the six weeks.  Should a member be placed on grade probation for two nine weeks in a row, they will be dismissed from the team.

  • If a member is placed on a three-week probation period, the student will be unable to perform with the team.  However, a member must attend practices during this probation period but may not appear in uniform.

Loss of Membership

Loss of membership from the dance/drill team may occur immediately after a disciplinary hearing with the Director and administration for the following reasons:

  • Accumulation of demerits (per campus).

  • Being placed on grade probation for two nine weeks in a row.

  • Being suspended or expelled from school, assigned to ALC, or assigned to three or more days of ISS for disciplinary violations.

  • Violation of Electronic Media Policy.

  • Violation of Drug, Tobacco and Alcohol Policy.


Reinstatement to the dance/drill team: A student seeking reinstatement to the dance/drill team must re-audition.

Social Officers: Selection of Social Officers shall be held on a date designated by the Director. Social Officers shall be optional for each individual school, and each Director will determine the number and duties of Social Officers.

Dance Officers

  • Officer auditions will be held on a date designated by the Director.

  • The number of officers chosen may vary from year to year according to the number of qualified candidates and total membership.

    • All auditions will be before a panel of qualified judges selected in advance

  • A copy of the AISD Dance/Drill Team Constitution and a general information sheet must be read and signed by all candidates and parent(s) or legal guardian and returned to the Director by the stated deadline. 

  • Prospective officers will submit a signed letter of intent posted by the Director and will be aware of all officer duties and expenses prior to the audition date.

  • Auditions will be closed to the public. The manner of selection for the officers may include the following:

    • The applicant will have audition dance routine(s) ready to present to the judging panel.

    • The applicant will wear a number for judging purposes in order to insure impartiality.

    • The applicant will be ready to show the audition dance routine(s) to the judges as many times as necessary in order to select the most qualified candidates.

    • The applicant will have an interview section at auditions.


  • A prospective officer shall:

    • Be on the dance team at least one year

    • Prior to tryouts, a candidate must achieve an overall grade average of 2.0

    • Upon selection, an officer who receives a grade below 70 in any class will be ineligible for three weeks.  Should an officer be placed on grade probation, she will be removed from office.

    • All candidates must have a clear discipline record.

  • Candidates earning an officer position on the dance team for the next school year must continue to meet the above stated required qualifications and adhere to the campus officer contracts for the duration of office. Failure to do so will result in immediate forfeiture of position on the officer line.

Managers: Selection of managers shall be held on a date designated by the Director.  Managers shall be optional for each individual school, and each Director will determine the number and duties of managers.


  • Members who participate in any AISD dance team will comply with the following documents and procedures at all times:

    • AISD Dance/Drill Team Constitution

    • AISD Student Code of Conduct

    • Campus Dance/Drill Team Handbook

    • Directives given by the dance/drill team Director – written or verbal

  • Members who do not comply with the above documents/directives will result in the issue of one or more of the following: demerits, probation, and/or dismissal from the team.

  • Offenses violating the Student Code of Conduct, District dance/drill constitution and/or campus dance/drill team handbooks may result in probation or immediate removal from the team based on level of offense.  Consequences determined by the Director and campus administration.

  • All students are expected to adhere to the Student Code of Conduct.  However, higher standards of conduct are expected of students representing the District in extracurricular activities that are considered a privilege.

  • A dance/drill team member, who is found to have been untruthful during a disciplinary investigation, will receive a more stringent disciplinary sanction than would normally be imposed.  This consequence might involve a longer probationary period or dismissal from the team.

  • Demerits will be determined and issued based on campus handbook and campus Director discretion.

  • Members are encouraged to earn merits. Merits will be determined and issued based on campus handbook and campus Director discretion.

  • Electronic Media: Any dance/drill team member representing themselves, or their organization, in an unfavorable, questionable or illegal manner through electronic media (i.e. websites, personal home pages, blogs, text messages, chat rooms or similar websites/files accessible through a server or internet) or using electronic communication devices in such a way as to bring discredit, dishonor, or disgrace on their organization or members of any other school organization including themselves (i.e. camera phones, digital photos, electronic descriptions) will be subject to the disciplinary actions determined by appropriate school officials and/or the Director including probation or dismissal from the team.

  • The possession, sale, distribution, or use, of any amount of alcohol, marijuana, hallucinogenic drugs, or any other controlled substance on the school grounds, in the school building, on buses, at any school-sponsored event, or during any other time when the student is under the administrative jurisdiction of the school, whether on or off of the school grounds, shall be prohibited.

  • Any evidence (public or private, including social networking sites, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat, etc.) of the use or possession of alcohol, or illegal drugs at any time while a member of the dance/drill team including weekends, evenings, holidays and summer will be subject to the disciplinary actions determined by appropriate school officials and/or the Director including probation or dismissal from the team.

  • A dance/drill team member who receives a ticket involving alcohol or drugs or a criminal act shall be dismissed from the team.



The school will furnish the dance/drill team performance uniforms/costumes and props, which may be aided by fundraisers and/or donations.  The props are to remain at the school unless checked out by the Director.  Members are held responsible for the care and return of their uniform/costumes and props. The member shall pay for any damaged uniform/costume or prop, or item not returned by the Director’s designated date. The members must purchase dance/drill team footwear, hats, practice attire, and any other items designated by the Director.

  • Any member who is dismissed or resigns from the team is required to return all school issued uniforms and accessories within seven school days. Failure to comply with this directive will place student on the “obligation” list on the campus.

  • Members must wear all parts of their performance uniform prior to and after performances as designated by the Director.  Failure to arrive to a performance without proper uniform as specified by the Director will result in inability to participate and/or perform.

  • The performance uniform must not be worn in public places other than specified by the Director.

  • The entire uniform, including footwear, hats, etc., must always be kept clean.

  • Throughout the year members are responsible for basic upkeep and repair of uniforms and costumes.  Any damage due to poor care and/or loss of the uniform will result in the member replacing the lost or damaged uniform or parts.


If necessary, the Director may alter rules in the campus handbook according to the situation. (EX:  A member becomes ill at an out-of-town football game.  The member will be allowed to be transported home with friends after contacting the parent.)


The Director may be asked to make decisions about things not itemized in this constitution and/or campus handbook.  In such cases, the Director will follow the guidelines presented in the document to the extent possible. The Director and administration will deal with any special situations that may arise and are not specifically addressed in this constitution and/or the campus handbook on an individual basis. These decisions will be made in a manner that they feel best benefits the ENTIRE organization.





General Purpose of Position: To promote school spirit and a positive school climate through performances and activities as deemed appropriate by the dance/drill team Director.  The dance/drill team members are expected to be positive role models and will be held to higher standards of conduct as expected of students representing the District in extracurricular activities that are considered a privilege.

The following elements describe the essential functions* necessary to perform the position of dance/drill team member.

  • Perform jumps, splits, leaps, rolls, and other physical moves that are part of dance/drill team routines.

  • Perform stunts that may involve climbing, balance, agility, and upper body strength.

  • Exhibit rhythm and coordination in performing dance skills.

  • Demonstrate stamina in performing regular physical activities that involve physical endurance and fitness.

  • Perform routines in both indoor and outdoor settings (i.e. grass, dirt, turf, concrete, asphalt).

  • Arrive on time and prepared to participate in practices, drills, or other team-related activities exhibiting proper and appropriate wear of dance/drill team uniform and/or practice apparel representing the dance/drill team image in the most positive manner.

  • Develop and maintain a good working relationship with the dance/drill team Director(s) and fellow dance/drill team members.

  • Review and adhere to established guidelines and by-laws.

  • Other duties as assigned.


*Essential Functions

The position of a dance/drill team member has a number of tasks, duties, responsibilities, and performance skills that are essential in accomplishing the purpose and objectives of this position. Members should review the essential functions carefully to make certain that they can perform all of these consistently.

My signature below signifies that I have read all parts of the information and will abide by such.

Student Name (Print): ____________________________________________________

Student Signature: _______________________________________________________ Date: ____________________

Parent/Guardian Name (Print): ___________________________________________

Parent/Guardian Signature: _______________________________________________Date: ____________________



I, (printed student name):______________________________________________, have read the entire Constitution of the AISD Dance/Drill Teams and understand the rules and guidelines it sets forth. I will uphold and follow the constitution to the best of my ability with the understanding that in order to function successfully as a team, each member must commit to these standards of behavior. I also understand and will accept the consequences stated in the constitution if I do not follow its guidelines.

______________________________________________                                             ______________________

Dance/Drill Team Member Signature                                                                                  Date

I, (printed Parent/Guardian name):________________________________________________, have read the entire Constitution of the AISD Dance/Drill Teams and understand the rules and guidelines it sets forth. I will encourage my dance/drill team member to uphold and follow the constitution to the best of my ability with the understanding that in order to function successfully as a team, each member must commit to these standards of behavior. I also understand and will accept the consequences my daughter will be given should they not follow its guidelines.


Agree to hold the Austin Independent School district, its Board of Trustees, Administration, and/or Faculty, harmless from all liability for any injuries which my child may receive while participating in any activities associated with Dance/Drill Team or utilizing the Austin Independent School District facilities. I herewith authorize the Director, supervisor, and/or district employee to secure medical services for any family member if necessary, and I agree to pay, either directly or through my own personal health and accident insurance policy, all medical or hospital costs.

I give my permission for the dance/drill team Director(s) to allow my child to take the medications, which I have personally provided to the Director(s) as needed for physical conditions requiring attention after regular school hours. I understand that all medications must remain in their original container/packaging, must be labeled with my child’s name, and may not be shared with any other person.  (NOTE: Student is not to have possession of the medication at any time prior to its delivery to the Director). 


I do not give my permission for my child to take any medications, other than those administered by a licensed health care professional.


_____________________________________________                               __________________

Parent/Guardian Signature                                                                                                                      Date



_________________________________________________________ is making dance/drill trips (Football games, performances, contests, practices, field trips) with our complete knowledge and full consent.  It is understood that the students will be chaperoned during the trips, and normal precautions will be taken in the interest of their safety and well-being.  I agree to hold Austin Independent School District, its Board of Trustees, Administration, and Faculty harmless from all liability for any injuries which the said student may receive while participating in or while traveling to and from any such event.


We, _______________________________________________and______________________________________________, the father and mother of ________________________________________________________, a minor child, whose birth date is ________________________, do hereby specifically authorize any Austin ISD Dance/Drill Team Director(s) of Austin, Travis County, Texas to act in our stead and behalf with respect to authorizing any required medical treatment as may be necessitated by said child for the trips and activities listed above.  It is out intent to hereby authorize any physician to rely on this medical authorization to perform medical services as may be necessary to insure the safety and well being of said child.

Family medical/hospital insurance carrier: __________________________________________________________

Policy or group #: __________________________________________________________________________________

Pertinent medical information, medication, conditions: _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

_________________________________                  ________________________________

Signature of Father/Guardian                                                   Signature of Mother/Guardian

_________________________________                  ________________________________

Printed name                                                                                   Printed name

_________________________________                  ________________________________

Address of Father/Guardian                                                       Address of Mother/Guardian

Sworn to and subscribed before me this the _________________ day of _________________,_________________



_____________________________________________Notary Public, Travis County, Texas

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